Author: The Afghanistan Post

As the third anniversary of the Taliban’s closure of girls’ schools above the sixth grade approaches, Nobel Peace Prize laureate Malala Yousafzai called Afghan women the true force of resistance against the Taliban. She urged the world to hold the Taliban accountable for their crimes. Malala emphasized that she will continue her efforts to secure women’s rights and praised Afghan women for their resilience, finding creative ways to continue their education at home through phones, TV, and radio.

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Masoud Pezeshkian, the President of Iran, announced in his first press conference as the 14th President of Iran that undocumented Afghan nationals will be returned to Afghanistan. He emphasized that three meetings have already been held in Iran’s Security Council to address the issue of foreign nationals. Pezeshkian stated, “Some have legal passports and visas, but others entered the country illegally and should have followed the law.” Recently, Iran has ramped up deportations of undocumented Afghan refugees and instructed Iranian citizens not to rent homes, shops, or employ these undocumented individuals.

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The U.S. State Department has condemned the killing of 14 Hazara civilians in Daikundi, Afghanistan, and called for immediate measures to increase security for vulnerable communities, especially Hazaras. U.S. is deeply concerned about the attack, expressing solidarity with the victims and their families. Karen Decker, the U.S. chargé d’affaires for Afghanistan, also denounced the attack on social media, urging authorities to swiftly hold those responsible accountable. The attack, claimed by ISIS-K, has drawn widespread condemnation.

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The World Health Organization (WHO) has reported that food insecurity in Afghanistan is rapidly escalating into a crisis, with 2.9 million children under the age of five now facing malnutrition. Of these, 850,000 children are suffering from severe acute malnutrition. WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus stated on Thursday, September 12, that one-third of Afghans live in food-insecure areas, and the situation has worsened due to floods and droughts. He added that WHO health workers have treated 21,000 severely malnourished children at 140 health centers across Afghanistan, but emphasized that these services are insufficient, and more aid is urgently needed. Ghebreyesus…

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The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) has appealed for $603 million to provide winter assistance to over 300 vulnerable Afghan villages. With 171 high-priority districts and 227 medium-priority areas identified, OCHA stresses the urgent need for food and basic supplies by early 2025. The organization also revealed a $2.3 billion shortfall in Afghanistan’s 2024 humanitarian budget, as over 23 million people are in need of aid, and only 25% of the required funds have been received.

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Fazel Mahmood Fazly, the former head of the Administrative Office of the President, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, stated that the Taliban are a heavy burden on the Afghan people, and the real victims of this pressure are Afghans, not foreigners. He added that foreigners engage with the Taliban for their short-term interests, and one cannot expect serious opposition from them. Referring to recent remarks by Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, Fazly said that labeling the Taliban as terrorists and discussing the annulment of the Doha Agreement are merely part of political theater. He emphasized that Afghans must focus on their…

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Iranian authorities have announced that 56,356 Afghan migrants have been deported from Iran through the Nimroz border in the last four months. This figure shows a 23% increase compared to the previous year. In recent years, Iran’s policies towards Afghan migrants have significantly shifted, especially after the Taliban’s return to power and amid Iran’s economic challenges. Afghan migrants in Iran now face serious challenges such as arrests, deportations, and limited access to essential services.

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As the third anniversary of the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan approached, dozens of Afghan women gathered in Islamabad, Pakistan, to protest. They chanted slogans such as “Bread, Work, Freedom” and “The Taliban commits crimes, the world supports.” The protesters referred to August 15th as a “shameful tragedy in Afghanistan’s history” and urged the international community to stand with Afghan women.

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Several international aid organizations, including the Danish Refugee Council and Save the Children, have expressed deep concern over Afghanistan’s worsening humanitarian crisis. In a joint statement, they highlighted that millions of Afghans remain trapped in cycles of poverty, displacement, and despair three years after the Taliban’s return to power. The statement warned that only 25% of the required aid has been received this year, leading to the closure of 343 health teams. With over 12 million people facing acute food insecurity, the situation is expected to deteriorate, putting over half a million children at risk of severe malnutrition. The organizations…

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